March Event – Espinosa Premium Cigars
On Saturday March 30th, 2024 our monthly event features Espinosa Premium Cigars from 2PM to 6PM, maker of the Espinosa Habano and Crema along with the Knuckle Sandwich line created in January of 2022 by celebrity chef and restaurateur Guy Fieri’s team-up with Espinosa.
As usual there will be food and swag, and special offers of all kinds. Also we welcome back long-time regional cigar professional Chrissy Stratman, the new rep for Espinosa, who will be present to discuss the Espinosa line in detail.
In concert with this event we’re announcing that we now offer Espinosa’s Murcielago line of fine cigars. Made at the San Lotano Factory in Ocotal, Nicaragua, Murcielago (Spanish for ‘bat’) cigars feature a mix of hearty Nicaraguan fillers and binder, wrapped in a delicious Mexican wrapper that coats your mouth with flavors of cocoa and sweet spices. We are happy to have them in the store.
Cigar of the Month: the Knuckle Sandwich
Celebrity chef Guy Fieri is a long-time cigar aficionado. He met Erik Espinosa, president of Espinosa Premium Cigars, through a mutual friend and they hit it off right away. When they decided to create a cigar together, Fieri was clear that he wanted input in the blend and did not want to select from a previously made cigar. At the height of Covid Espinosa would send him cigars labeled with numbers and nothing else; Fieri smoked them, took notes, and sent his feedback until they settled on the final one, which became the Knuckle Sandwich. (It is named after Fieri’s company.)

Espinosa founder Erik Espinosa, Hecho a Mano Owner Kevin Branham, and Chef Guy Fieri
For more detail on the full Knuckle Sandwich line see our ‘Cigar of the Month’ page HERE. See Guy Fieri and Erik Espinosa discussing the Knuckle Sandwich HERE. (Erik is the mastermind behind brands such as Murcielago and Laranja, just to name a few.)
MLB at Hecho a Mano Cigar Lounge!
Spring has sprung and Hecho a Mano Cigar Lounge has the MLB Extra Innings Package from DirecTV, which carries every major league game. The MLB Extra Innings Package from DirecTV allows sports fans to enjoy almost 90 out-of-market games a week, most of which are available in crystal-clear HD.
So in the coming months our patrons can enjoy the spring, relax in our lounge, and enjoy the MLB season while indulging in our fine cigars — and maybe a glass of wine or two.
Our hours are:
- Mon-Wed: 10AM to 9PM
- Thu-Sat: 10AM to 10PM
- Sun: 11AM to 7PM
Our following event features Perdomo Cigars and is Saturday, April 27, 2024! Stay tuned for more information.
Our events are on the last Saturday of every month. Details are in our upcoming newsletters.
Thank you all for your support and patronage. We look forward every day to having you as our guests.